There are people on this page that I don't recognize. Please let me know if you know someone with ???? under it. And I'm really sorry I don't know everyone.

Don Shonkwiler(64)

Paula Shonkwiler and Bob Woodard(64)

Kayla Buehler(64) and Don Shonkwiler(64)

Steve Gove(69)

Steve(69) and Drena Gove

Leslie Niven(67)

Richard and Leslie Niven Bishop(67)

Larry Webster(67)

Leslie Niven(67) and Larry Webster(67)

Linda Mays(67)

Doug Spitler(66)

Dan Morton(67)

?????, Vicki and Steve Cox(64)

Marj Winters(64) and Dot Dretos(66)

Dot Dretos(66)

Kathi Weitzel(64)

Renee' Kozisek(63) and Gene Kobneck(66)

Eduardo Emanuel(64)

Carol Mays(69)

Marilyn Kloote(64) and Renee' Kozisek(63)

Howard Kirkpatrick(64) and Carol Mays (69)

Marilyn Nelson(70) and her daughter

Betty Jo Jeep(67) and Carol Mays(69)

Pam Richard(64) and Jolene Spitler

Bill (Bissing) Bell(68)


Darline Peak(66), Judy Peak(67), Cheryl Watkins(67) and Don Withers(66)